Will and Happiness.
The human will is an amazing thing. We are able to make choices, we can do what we want. The magnitude of this ability is huge. Although we have will we still have instinctual nature to fulfill our animalistic urges; we have the power to choose when and where, and that is what separates us from the wild things.
There are those who choose to live hedonistically, wanting nothing more than to satiate their physical urges and hunger above all else. We are not animals! Certain indulgences can wait. What value should be placed in is the advancement of mankind in every way possible.
What makes you happy? Does your collection of comic books, baseball cards or hats bring you pleasure? Does purchasing designer clothing at an outrageous price give you a sense of well being? These things really mean nothing. They are nothing more than interests. In the end your comic books and baseball cards are just pieces of paper with either trivia statistics or fictional stories written on them, your hats worth nothing more than keeping the sun out of your eyes, your designer clothing just as efficient as something more affordable.
Why do you keep up with social trends? Because your will is weak. You are lacking in values and place false ones on frivilous things in order to give yourself a false sense of contentment. It's the perfect time to assess where your values stand and whether or not they're a benefit to you or anything else.
You be darkness.
You know something? We could all die right now. No matter what preventive measures we take or how careful we are theres always the chance of sudden death. We could live to be in our hundreds if we're rare but the odds of that are pretty slim. Our time here is finite and is valuable to us so we should not waste it. Spend your time however you wish as it's your time but is watching an eight hour marathon of "The Real World" really how you want to spend your Saturday?
As people we will never be contented with what we accomplish, at least we never should be, I feel. Feeling satisfied with life isn't really a positive thing; it hinders productivity, it gives you the delusion that you are perfect regardless of flaws. And it is with this belief that mankind is slowed in progress towards our goal of transcending the boundaries of what we are capable of.
These memes will benefit you in no way! Do not exuberate with others who share your lifestyle of vegatation; your social gathering of decadence is nothing to enjoy.
What a waste.
You think you're special? "What kind of question is that? Of course I'm special; I'm me!" Well you aren't. You're no better than I or anyone else. The fact of it is that anything you do in life ultimately will not matter after death. Leave a mark? Should I leave my words etched in the sidewalk only to be weathered away by footsteps of the masses? Life is nothing more than a mockery of death.
But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying wallow in despair until your demise. Do as you please because if you're given something it becomes your property. As soon as life is given to you it becomes whatever you want it to be; you are your own God.