I had written an entry and it was deleted before I was able to post it, I'd like to thank the F5 key.
I don't even feel like rewriting it.
Good day :D
This is a bit off from what I wrote originally before it was accidentally deleted but I'll try anyway.
People must be constant in their efforts to succeed, if we want something we should go get it, if we dislike something we should do everything in our power to change it. It is those who lack this motivation who will be forever glum.
Standard of living - Everyone has different standards of living; Where you live, whos around you and how much money you make. Everyone lives below or above someone elses standard of living; nobody lives the same. Would we be happy if we all had the same standard of living? No, but we would not be depressed about it. The thing is there will always be someone below you and there will always be someone above you so regardless you will feel the same in life.
How one wishes to live is different though, perhaps you've grown weary of your lifestyle and wish to be at a higher standard of living - it'll take work to get there and once your goal is accomplished you'll feel exactly how you did once before except this time you crave even more. A friend told me once that happiness is relative to the amount of material possessions those around you have, you don't have to have more than everyone else just more than those around you. What truth is this? This is the logic of the incompetent and lame. To confide in having a higher standard of living is no happiness.
Do you feel that some people are better than others? Of course the man who wishes to excel and go beyond is better than those who desire nothing but their asses. We are not all equal, we are hardly equal! And that is great. We can be more than anyone has ever been and it's all up to your self, inequality how great a thing!